A probiotic supplement is either a capsule or a liquid that contains live bacteria. The bacteria provided are known as friendly bacteria and they live in the human digestion system. The bacteria works to break down food as part of the digestive process. The purpose of taking supplements is to add the bacteria to your body. A probiotic supplement can help with: temporary digestive issues, food allergies, side effects from antibiotics and managing digestive diseases.
In the human digestive system, there are many different types of bacteria that work to break down food molecules into a form that can be absorbed by the body. The bacteria live in all the different levels of the digestive tract, ranging from your stomach to your lower digestive tract. In a healthy person, the bacteria complete their tasks, break down food particles efficiently and allow the body to efficiently absorb vitamins and nutrients from food.
There are many possible reasons for a decrease in the number or efficiency of bacteria in your digestive system. Fatigue, a mild virus or other issues can have a negative impact your digestive health. The symptoms of reduced digestive efficiently include recurring bloating, constipation, diarrhea and cramping. Adding a probiotic supplement to your diet increases the bacteria and will help to relieve many of these symptoms.
Many food allergies have been linked to poor digestion. Adding probiotic supplements to the diet improves the efficiency of the digestive system. This increases the overall health of the patient, as they are able to absorb more nutrients from food sources. Regular use of probiotics may provide bacteria that was missing and resolve the food allergy symptoms. There are no known side effects to probiotics, and many people have experienced relief when using these products.
Antibiotics are prescribed medications used to treat bacterial infections. They are designed to kill all bacteria. Unfortunately, this includes the friendly bacteria in your digestive systems. Use a probiotic supplement at the same time as the antibiotics to reduce the side effects of diarrhea and nausea associated with this medication. The probiotics will not interfere with the effectiveness of the antibiotics in treating the infection.
Digestive diseases can range from chronic illness to short-term conditions. The use of a quality probiotic supplement is often part of the long-term management plan. These supplements provide the bacteria that is either missing or not functioning properly. They aid in the digestive processed, reducing the burden on the body.