Many massage therapists make house calls, and there are several reasons why they may choose to do so. Often times, new massage therapists prefer house calls because they do not have to rent office space and may not have the funds needed to start up a new business. Many therapists prefer to travel to the client's home instead of the client coming to them because they may not be comfortable with someone they do not know inside of their home. In addition, house calls increase business opportunities for most therapists, whether they have an office to work out of or not.
While many massage therapists work inside of an office or facility, there are also therapists who work on their own and travel to their clients for business. This is especially common amongst new massage therapists who are just starting out and trying to gain clientele. New therapists also may not have the money needed to rent a facility, and will need to work out of their own home or in the home of others. Many prefer to simply travel to their clients because it may be safer, and in addition, many clients prefer a therapist who comes to them.
Sometimes massage therapists make house calls because they can charge more for their services and convenience. It is usually much easier for a client to stay home and have a service come to them, which is why a therapist could possibly charge more for house calls. If the therapist also has a place of business, making house calls typically costs the therapist more time and money, and this is another reason why house calls are often more expensive for clients.
Even therapists who regularly work in a facility may make house calls because they increase business opportunities. There are many clients who do not want to travel to a spa to receive a massage and would rather someone travel to them. This is one of the biggest reasons massage therapists make house calls — a large percentage of clients prefer therapists who provide house call services. A therapist who does not do house calls may even be losing business as a result.
Many massage therapists make house calls because it can be more relaxing for both the client and the therapist. A customer may feel more comfortable and relaxed in his or her own home rather than a facility, especially if the home is a quiet and stress-free environment. When the customer is more relaxed, the therapist is often more comfortable, as well. It can also provide a more intimate experience for both parties, which often means a more relaxing and therapeutic massage.