It can be very difficult to maintain willpower and stop cravings when you are dieting. Unfortunately, cravings can be the downfall of many otherwise excellent diets, when you just can't resist that piece of cake or bag of chips. There are some tricks you can try to stop cravings, however, that will soon have you back on the right track with healthy eating and weight loss.
One of the easiest ways to stop cravings and prevent overindulging is to simply not keep your favorite unhealthy foods in the house. Though some people can just have a small piece of chocolate or a few chips and put the rest away, others find that impossible, and the only solution then is to not have the unhealthy foods available to you. Do not purchase them while grocery shopping, and don't go back out to get them during the week.
Another way to stop cravings while dieting is to be sure to always eat a healthy breakfast that contains protein. This will help you to feel full longer, and will prevent unhealthy snacking a few hours after breakfast. In addition, it is important to eat on a regular schedule. Whether you choose to eat three larger meals per day, or five smaller meals, do not allow yourself to become so hungry that you feel as if you need to eat a snack.
While you are at work or relaxing during the day, many people find themselves snacking mindlessly. If you need to stop cravings this way, try carrying around some healthy snacks such as nuts, carrot sticks, fruit, cheese, or yogurt. Try to find healthy substitutes for favorite foods; for example, if you love chips and dip, some people find that they really enjoy whole grain crackers with hummus. These healthy foods will help you to feel satisfied without ruining your diet. It is also important to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary soft drinks.
It can be possible to stop cravings by just getting up and doing something different. Most cravings will pass within fifteen to twenty minutes, particularly if you are only eating because you are stressed or bored. Finally, be sure not to deprive yourself of everything you enjoy; most diets recommend at least one meal a week in which you might eat some of your favorite foods, or allow yourself a small portion of a high-calorie treat. Indulging every once in a while will make it more likely that you can stick to your diet.