Cocaine rehab centers offer several different treatment methods for people struggling with cocaine abuse and addiction. Some centers offer inpatient treatment, while others offer outpatient services. There are no medications specifically approved to treat cocaine addiction, but some facilities do offer medical treatment to patients going through the detoxification process. Other treatment methods include counseling, drug education, and behavioral therapy.
People seeking treatment at cocaine rehab centers should check with the facilities to see what types of treatments they offer. Inpatient centers typically focus on helping patients through the detoxification process. Detoxing from cocaine can cause insomnia, muscle pain, fatigue, depression, nausea, anger, and paranoia. Medical staff members at cocaine rehab centers are trained to help patients through the process by being available for mental and emotional help, and also administer medications for pain and vomiting when necessary.
After the initial detox period, inpatient cocaine rehab centers offer treatment in a structured setting that allows patients time away from their previous living situations and other settings that may give them access to the drug or make it harder for them to stay clean. These programs usually include both group and individual counseling sessions where patients work with mental health professionals to help uncover the underlying causes of their drug problems. The centers also typically offer drug education classes to teach patients about the potential long-term risks of continued cocaine use, including negative health effects, emotional problems, family problems, and legal issues.
Outpatient cocaine rehab centers generally focus on counseling sessions for patients who cannot or do not want to go through an inpatient program. These centers pair patients with mental health professionals experienced with drug abuse and addiction to help patients deal with the moral, emotional, and mental problems leading to and caused by their drug use. Drug counselors also work with patients to uncover underlying mental health issues so that they can offer appropriate treatment, which may include prescription medication for patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, or another serious mental illness.
Behavior modification programs offered by cocaine rehab centers focus on teaching patients to recognize and cope with situations and feelings that trigger a desire to use the drug. This form of treatment teaches people to identify specific situations where they are likely to use or want to use cocaine. Once the triggers have been identified, a mental health professional can help the person learn ways to either avoid the situation entirely or create a new response to a situation that cannot be avoided. For example, an individual who feels the urge to use cocaine when he feels restless may start taking walks or cleaning his home when that feeling arises in order to focus his attention on something other than drugs.