Asthma is a chronic lung disease that plagues people of all ages and races. It causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pains, and coughing. People with asthma have inflamed airways that narrow when various substances are breathed into the lungs. When the airways constrict, a person suffers from an asthma attack. Sometimes symptoms are mild and go away after asthma medication is administered. Other times, symptoms may be severe and require a trip to the emergency room. In extreme cases, an asthma attack may result in death.
Asthma attacks are triggered by smoke, strong odors, dust mites, molds, upper respiratory infections, exercise, and weather fluctuations. Avoid asthma triggers by keeping a daily diary. When an asthmatic records foods eaten and activities performed throughout the day, she can pinpoint which foods and activities serve as triggers. Asthma prevention involves watching for warning signs of an attack as well. A runny nose, cough, trigger exposure, and worsening allergies are all warnings that an asthma attack may occur.
People who suffer from asthma can contribute to their own asthma prevention by removing heavy curtains, carpets, and stuffed animals from the home. This is because these items collect dust, thereby contributing to allergies and asthma attacks. Cover mattresses and pillows with airtight, plastic coverings that are allergy proof. Every one to two weeks, it's important to wash bedding and stuffed animals in hot water.
If a household has pets with fur or feathers, banish them from the bedrooms. Allowing pets to sleep in the bedroom can trigger asthma attacks and allergies. Keeping pets out of rooms where asthmatics sleep contributes to asthma prevention.
Dust mites and mold flourish in high humidity; therefore, keep indoor humidity below 50 percent. Asthmatics should never smoke and should avoid being around others who smoke. Secondhand smoke contributes to the onset of asthma in children as well. Even the presence of cockroaches in the home can trigger an asthma. Exterminate cockroaches from the house in order to avoid asthma attacks.
Homeowners who live with asthmatics should vacuum carpets on a regular basis. Wear a mask to avoid inhaling allergens during the vacuuming process. Another way to contribute to asthma prevention is to avoid the use of ceiling fans. Strong perfumes and other sprays with strong odors should be avoided by asthmatics as these substances can trigger asthma attacks.
Pregnant women who refrain from smoking can contribute to asthma prevention within their unborn children. Mothers who breastfeed their newborns for at least six months can help with asthma prevention as well. Breast milk is known to strengthen a child's immune system. Since a healthy immune system helps children combat respiratory infections, children can avoid developing into asthmatics.