The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the fourth through sixth months or may be dated in weeks as week 13 or 14 through week 27. Most women, especially as they reach the middle of this trimester are feeling their best and have recovered from most of the first trimester symptoms that were uncomfortable. Doctors often recommend that if you plan to vacation or travel during your pregnancy, plans should be made to coincide with your second trimester.
There continues to be a number of changes to a woman’s body, and the growing baby is also changing rapidly. The baby will grow from a tiny, barely perceptible fetus, to weighing about two pounds (907 g) by the end of the trimester. The mom’s body also continues to change in response to her growing baby. Most noticeable of these changes is the emergence of the baby bump. Most women will look pregnant by the middle of the second trimester.
Fortunately, things like morning sickness, fatigue and moodiness tend to subside or greatly lessen during the second trimester. Even frequent urination may subsist to some degree. One exciting new symptom during this time is being able to feel the baby move. Most women first feel their babies move inside the uterus by the middle of this trimester.
Some symptoms that appear during this trimester include a stuffy nose, and an increase in vaginal mucus, which may look white. If vaginal mucus looks bloody you should contact your doctor immediately, as this may be a sign of premature labor. You may develop some hemorrhoids and have some problems with constipation. Another second trimester symptom is itching of the belly as the skin stretches to accommodate the growing fetus. If you’re using cream to try to reduce stretch marks, start using it in this trimester.
The weight of the fetus and distribution of weight of the baby can cause some backaches, though not all women have these. It’s also fairly common to suffer from some heartburn or indigestion during this time. If this becomes troublesome, ask your doctor for recommendations of safe antacids to use. Some women also development the pregnancy mask, which is slight discoloration of skin on the face; this is usually temporary. Other women will note a linea negra, a dark line from belly button to pubis.
Due to increased energy during the second trimester, this is a great time to work on getting a nursery ready, doing some shopping for the baby and also enjoying time out with mates or friends. Under a doctor’s guidelines, it’s safe to continue to exercise, which is a good thing, because you may have an increased appetite. Continue to see your doctor as regularly scheduled so that both your health and the health of your baby can be carefully monitored.