Flight safety training can vary considerably depending on the type of training being offered and the facility. People who are interested in such training or who need to take it for work should make sure that the facility they plan to attend offers a course which will meet the needs, and may want to consider a tour to get a better idea of what the facility is like. Touring also offers a chance to talk to current students about their experiences.
For pilots, flight safety training is focused on teaching people to pilot planes safely in all conditions. It includes classroom room, experience in flight simulators, and opportunities to fly aircraft. Instructors go over the basics of how aircraft work and discuss their safety systems, and then delve into problems which can occur during flight, ranging from loss of cabin pressure to heavy weather.
In flight safety training for pilots, the goal is to make pilots methodical and consistent, and to drill knowledge so thoroughly that pilots can respond automatically during an emergency situation. The course usually covers the most common safety threats and ways to deal with them, and familiarizes pilots with safety procedures. At the end of the flight safety training, graduates have a certification which can be valuable when seeking employment. Flight safety training can also be offered to pilots who train other pilots, in which case students are provided with information about working safely with student pilots.
For cabin crew, flight safety training is focused less on actions which can be taken to control the aircraft and more on measures to keep the cabin safe. This includes routine training to maintain safety and control, as well as training to provide people with skills which they can use in emergency response. Crew flight safety training can include training in what to do if the cabin loses pressure, how to handle injuries in the cabin, and how to prepare passengers for emergency landings and evacuations. It may also cover terrorism and how to handle suspicious activity on an aircraft.
Some schools focus on commercial aircraft such as jumbo jets, while others may offer training in private and small aircraft like private jets. Some flight safety training is full time, while other trainings allow students to work while taking the training. Students usually need to pass tests in order to graduate from flight safety training. The length of the course can vary, depending on a number of factors, and students may be required to complete training within a set time period in some areas.