You may choose to take online traffic school to further your knowledge of the road, or you might decide to go this route merely to get out of paying for a traffic violation. Either way, you are likely looking to save money where possible. Fortunately, there are some courses that are free of charge, though you might need to search hard for them. Before you choose a free traffic school to attend, you should consider how long the course takes, whether the entire class is free, and whether it will satisfy the court.
Many people consider Internet traffic school because they need a course that is flexible due to time constraints. If you work on weekdays and have little extra time on the weekends, some schools allow you to break up the course into smaller increments. This means that instead of sitting at the computer for four or more straight hours, you can split it up over the entire week. Not every free traffic school course offers this ability, so decide whether you need it before you choose.
There are not many online schools that are completely free of charge. Many that advertise themselves as a free traffic school offer just the course for free so that you can make sure you like it. If you are satisfied with what you have learned, you will need to pay to take the final exam. A free trial like this may be fine if you just want to learn more about traffic rules, and do not need to take a final test, but if you are looking for free traffic school to get out of a ticket, you will usually have to take the test at the end. This means that the majority of traffic schools will not be free for you, though you can find some that are very inexpensive.
Not every court accepts Internet traffic school, so be sure to ask the court that issued you the ticket, if you need to take the course for legal reasons. Many courts that do accept online schools have a list of the courses that count, so officials can at least steer you toward those that qualify. It is possible that attending free traffic school can help you avoid paying for a traffic violation, but be warned that many of these courses do charge for the service because they are on a short list of qualifying classes.