People who sleep better in darker rooms, or whose bedrooms face east, may find room darkening shades to be a boon to assist in their sleep. Room darkening shades are window shades that block out significantly more light than a regular window shade. They are useful for any room that receives so much light that sleep is uncomfortable or restless.
Room darkening shades are usually purchased according to the size of the window, and whether the buyer wishes to mount them inside the window facing or outside the window facing. The buyer will probably need to purchase the appropriate brackets for the desired use. These can usually be installed using just a hammer and the small nails provided.
Shades are always purchased by length and width, so the buyer should measure the window, paying attention to measuring the width by whether the shade will be on the inside or outside of the facing. An inside facing position might be better if drapes are in place. However, an outside facing will usually block out more light. Length is important as well, since the shade needs to cover the entire window in order to be effective.
A buyer also needs to think about how much light a particular shade brand blocks. Some shades just darken a room slightly, while others will ensure the room is nearly devoid of outside light. The degree of light filtration is usually expressed in a percentage and can be found on the shade packaging. Shades that just filter light might also be called “light filtering” shades, as well as room darkening, while shades that block most light may be called “light blocking” or “room darkening.” A buyer should then look at the percentage of light blocked in order to make the best choice.
Some people might need a little light coming into the windows in the morning in order to wake up, while others may live near a 24-hour shopping center or car dealership whose bright lights shine all night. Those who like a little light may want the light filtering shades, while those living near the shopping center will probably opt for the light blocking shades.
Room darkening shades are sold in discount stores, home improvement centers and in interior design stores. They may vary in price from $10 U.S. Dollars to $50 USD, depending on the manufacturer and individual retail outlet. Most room darkening shades that work effectively can usually be purchased for about $15 USD.