Web-based time management programs are just like non-web-based time management programs, in that they record time and help users complete tasks without wasting time. They can help users focus for a certain amount of time, usually can have data exported to other programs, and can assess lost time and money. The main difference between web-based time management and other time management programs is that web-based programs are not installed on a computer, but are accessed via the Internet. By accessing the Internet instead of a particular computer's hard drive, these programs can be used on nearly any computer. They also integrate better with the Internet, allowing a user to easily block distracting websites.
Time management programs, whether web- or computer-based, are made to manage and optimize time used by single users or by multiple employees. All of these programs come with a regular gamut of features, such as allowing users to enter tasks and projects, and the ability to see how long each task took compared to how long it should have taken. This keeps users from wasting time and makes sure all work is completed in the minimal amount of time.
Web-based time management programs also are able to export time reports to other programs. These reports show how much time is used or wasted and the amount of extra money being spent as a result of wasted time; they also may show issues that are affecting the use of time. Exporting the reports allows users to view and work on the information in spreadsheet and display software.
With web-based time management, the program is not installed on a computer but is accessed from the Internet. When a program is installed to the computer, users have to worry about the compatibility of the computer's operating system (OS) and other components, as well as several other aspects of the computer. Since a web-based program is accessed via the Internet, these worries are mostly alleviated, because any computer that can use the Internet can use the program.
While keeping track of tasks and metering time usage will help most users, business and corporate web-based time management programs need features that guard the company against lazy employees who would prefer to browse distracting websites instead of working. To do this, these time management programs include blocker features that will prevent access to any website that is not inherently useful to the employee's work project. To help managers assess good employees and lazy ones, these reports will commonly be sent to administrators to indicate workers who try to access these websites during work hours.