Cardiopulmonary disease is a medical term used to describe a various group of disorders that negatively affect the heart as well as the lungs. Treatment options vary according to the type of cardiopulmonary disease present and may include dietary changes and lifestyle modification, the use of prescription medications, or surgical intervention. The most common causes of cardiopulmonary disease are high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Any questions or concerns about the treatment options available for this condition should be discussed with a doctor or other medical professional.
High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, is one of the most prevalent types of cardiopulmonary disease. Common causes of high blood pressure include kidney disease, blood vessel defects, or the use of certain medications. Many people who have high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms, although some may develop such symptoms as headache, dizziness, or nose bleeds. Treatment for hypertension depends on the exact cause of the high blood pressure, although dietary changes and the use of prescription medications are frequently recommended.
A stroke can sometimes lead to cardiopulmonary disease. Strokes may occur when there is any type of disruption involving the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. Symptoms often include weakness or numbness, especially on one side of the body. There may be additional symptoms, such as visual disturbances, severe headaches, or confusion. A stroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical evaluation. Surgery is often required to remove any blockages that may have contributed to the stroke.
Coronary heart disease is a leading contributor to the development of cardiopulmonary disease. This type of heart problem may develop when the small blood vessels of the heart become narrowed. Narrowing of the blood vessels can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain. Heart attack or even death may result from this condition as well. Treatment for coronary artery disease typically begins with the use of prescription medications designed to treat individual symptoms, although blockages may need to be removed surgically.
Rheumatic fever is another potential cause of cardiopulmonary disease. This is a condition that can be caused by a strep throat infection that has not been effectively treated. Rheumatic fever treatment usually begins with the use of prescription antibiotics to treat any lingering infection. Other medications may be used as well to help reduce inflammation. If seizures develop as a result of this illness, anti-convulsant medications may be prescribed.