The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra and is associated with feelings of personal power. Situated between the navel and the rib cage, it encompasses the power of the personality and ego more so than any of the other seven main chakras. Its energies are directly associated with the pancreas and digestive organs in the physical body. In Sanskrit, the third chakra is called manipura.
Helping the individual further understand his or her self, as well as his or her relationship with the larger world, is the major effect of the third chakra. Properly tapped into, this chakra contains all the wisdom necessary to comprehend an individual's relationship with his or her own body, mind, and spirit. It additionally aids individuals in remedying relationship issues, gaining fuller spiritual understanding, and learning to stand on one's own in the world while feeling undeniably connected with all other beings.
There are numerous instances which may necessitate healing the third chakra. Feelings of physical, emotional, or spiritual imperfections and fears of criticism and rejection are among the most common reasons an individual seeks third chakra healing. Physical ailments that may require healing of this chakra are any conditions relating to digestion, the adrenal glands, or the kidneys.
A proper third chakra balancing can restore equalization to the region and allow an individual to better harness the area's healing energies. A technique called Breath of Fire is an ideal way to set the third chakra back on an even keel. An individual can experience the effects of this powerful breathing technique by sitting upright with a straight back and relaxed legs. Then, he or she will intake and expel air sharply into the abdomen, almost snapping the breath in and out of the body. This seemingly simple approach can make great strides in righting the balance of the third chakra.
The essential oil of juniper also works well with the third chakra. A woody, earthen scent, juniper has been widely utilized to aid in the digestive process. Its piney smell stimulates the third chakra and aids in healing any physical, mental, or emotional issues associated with the region.
Additionally, moonstone crystals have been shown to enhance third chakra function. These shimmering stones can help remedy several different conditions and bring about healing. Examples of these healings might be emotional body adjustment, the ability to make more self-empowering life choices, regulating the menstrual cycle, and ridding the body of any negative energies that may have seeped in from other chakras.