Hemorrhoids and fissures are common problems, although many people have great difficulty talking about these conditions, even to medical professionals. While there are several similarities in these two conditions, there are notable differences as well. The primary difference between hemorrhoids and fissures is that a hemorrhoid is basically a swollen vein in the anal region of the body, while an anal fissure is a tear that occurs at the opening of the anus.
Both conditions can cause pain as well as rectal bleeding. Treatment options are basically the same for both, as well. Some of these treatments include over-the-counter creams, ointments, or suppositories. Prescriptions medications can also be used to help ease some of the discomfort caused by these conditions. Here is where the similarities between these conditions stop.
Hemorrhoids are caused when there is too much pressure placed on the veins found in the pelvic and anal areas of the body. Anal fissures, on the other hand, occur when the skin tears near the anal canal. Straining too hard when having a bowel movement is the most common cause of each of these conditions. However, it is important to realize that they are very different medical conditions.
While anal fissures are caused when the tissue on or around the anus tears, hemorrhoids can occur when either internal or external veins swell due to excess pressure. This swelling can cause intense itching along with the pain or bleeding that often occurs. Itching, however, is not a common symptom of anal fissures.
Since it is difficult for the patient to see this area of the body, it is best to obtain a correct diagnosis from a medical professional. While home treatment is generally sufficient for hemorrhoids and fissures, there are situations in which surgical intervention is the recommended course of treatment. The type of surgery will depend on the diagnosed condition as well as the severity of each individual case.
In the case of hemorrhoids that need to be surgically removed, the swollen veins are first tied in order to prevent excess bleeding. The surgeon then cuts off the hemorrhoid and applies gauze to the wound. This is generally an outpatient procedure, and recovery rates are very high.
If the patient needs surgery to repair an anal fissure, the opening to the anus is usually surgically stretched in an effort to repair the damaged tissue. There is a significant risk of anal leakage or bowel incontinence after this type of surgery. Therefore, more conventional methods of treatment, including prescription medications as well as dietary changes, are usually attempted before surgery is suggested.