The connection between hemorrhoids and diet most likely relates to the fact that foods high in fiber can often prevent hemorrhoids from occurring. This is because foods that are high in fiber tend to move more easily through the intestines than foods that are not. People who have diets that are very low in fiber often have problems with hemorrhoids because the things they eat do not pass through their intestines easily, and constipation might occur. Constipation usually means that straining is necessary for a bowel movement to be possible, and frequent straining on the toilet is one of the primary causes of hemorrhoids.
Becoming knowledgeable about how hemorrhoids and diet are related may help people to eliminate their hemorrhoid problems. People who have hemorrhoids will usually continue to have them until they make the dietary changes necessary to get their digestive systems operating correctly. Doing this is often as simple as adding fiber into the diet. Foods high in fiber typically include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Any foods that are minimally processed and very close to their natural states are generally very high in fiber content.
People who have problems with their hemorrhoids and diet changes may be able to take over-the-counter fiber supplements to help give their bowels the kick start they need to begin moving correctly. These supplements are available at the majority of drug stores and are typically found under many different brand names. Fiber supplements are normally mixed up with water and may offer roughly 3 grams of fiber in each dose. It may be a good idea for a person who has hemorrhoids to ask his doctor before taking these over-the-counter fiber supplements. The supplements do not always work well for everyone, and they could minimize the absorption of certain prescription medications.
Understanding the ways in which hemorrhoids and diet are connected and making the necessary changes accordingly is likely the real answer to hemorrhoid elimination. Over-the-counter fiber products tend to be helpful, but should generally not be considered a long-term solution to hemorrhoid relief. Including more fiber in the diet is likely the best long-term plan for dealing with hemorrhoids. In addition to increasing fiber intake, people who suffer from hemorrhoids should also make sure they are drinking enough water. Research suggests that eight glasses of water per day can soften stools, thereby making them much easier to pass.