Anger and resentment are connected because the anger toward a person or entity that an individual harbors for a long time can turn into resentment. Anger is an emotion that is often openly displayed on the surface, usually for a short time. Resentment, on the other hand, might be manifested by passive-aggressive behavior, snide comments, or a lack of responsiveness. Resentment is more difficult to spot than anger and might result from anger that has not been dealt with over a long period of time.
Both anger and resentment are emotions that are considered to be negative. Anger, however, can be healthy in certain cases. A person who is being bullied, for example, might become angry about it and use that anger to take concrete steps, such as taking up for himself or letting others know about the bullying, so it will stop. The person being bullied, on the other hand, might decide he is too scared to defend himself, or that it is not worth it, and build up resentment, based on repressed anger, toward his aggressors. Repressing anger, which turns into resentment, is hardly ever a healthy or positive emotion, unless the outright display of anger could result in physical harm or death.
Another reason that anger and resentment are connected is that they can both originate from feelings toward another person or situation. Many things can make people resentful or angry. Being treated unfairly at work or in a relationship, losing a great opportunity because of the malevolent activities or negligence of another person, and being insulted are all reasons that people might become angry and resentful. The reasons why people feel angry or become resentful are numerous and are unique to different people and their situations, life experiences, relationships and emotional states.
Anger and resentment can both come from the same source, although resentment is a long-term emotion that has built up over time. Having a great deal of either one or both of these emotions can result in psychological and physical problems. There are mental and physical health problems that can result from having a great deal of either one of these emotions, including stress disorders, ulcers, depression and intermittent explosive disorder. Anger is a short-term emotion in most cases, and a sudden feeling or outburst of it can result in major problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke.