The right potty training age is typically between 12 to 24 months for most children. The exact time varies from one child to the next, but careful observation can usually tell parents when a toddler is ready to begin toilet training. This is when she has developed enough control of her bladder muscles to delay urination, if need be. She should also be able to verbally communicate the need to go, as well as recognize the need for eliminating in the toilet.
Before a child can begin toilet training, she must be physically developed enough to control elimination for a brief period of time. This is usually between one and two years of age. Even so, it is not unusual for this stage to be much later, often around three years old, in many cases. This is usually indicated by a toddler knowing when she needs to go or making an effort to hold it.
When a child reaches potty training age, she usually gets control of night-time bowel movements first. This is generally followed by a decreased amount of urine while she is sleeping. Remaining completely dry during an entire overnight is typically one of the last stages achieved in toilet training for most children, however.
A baby usually becomes aware of the need to eliminate at around the same time she is learning to communicate verbally. Many children convey the urge to use the toilet by telling their parents that they need to do so. Good communications skills are typically refined from between 18 to 24 months of age. During this time, parents should be attentive to their toddler's expressions so they can determine when she is exhibiting the need for toilet training.
Children often develop a desire to wear underwear rather than diapers when they have reached potty training age. They might also mimic the behaviors of adults by sitting on the toilet and trying to defecate. This social awareness is one sign that a young child is ready to begin toilet training. Even so, they should not be made to feel ashamed of themselves if they have an accident while going through this learning process.
It can sometimes be difficult to determine when a child has reached potty training age. Many times, parents become frustrated because they feel their toddler is taking too long to reach this stage. Exercising patience, as well as being aware of the signals a child is giving, can help this process move forward much more easily for all involved.