Speed conditioning is doing certain speed-related exercises to improve overall performance. These exercises help condition the body in preparation to handle more extreme workouts. A base strength, or core strength, is imperative for these workouts to avoid injuries or severe muscle strains. Speed conditioning can improve workout capacity. Fast recovery from speed workouts means that an athlete will be able to handle more speed work in the future.
When it comes to overall strength training and speed conditioning an array of exercises must be used. Endurance, strength, and workout capacity are all equally important. These types of exercises should not be done every day. The key to speed conditioning is recovery time and the body has to have ample time to do this. If speed workouts were done everyday, there would be no recovery time, which can lead to severe injuries as well as no noticeable improvement with speed training.
Physical endurance and a healthy heart are probably the most important factors with speed conditioning. This is why aerobic exercises should be incorporated into an overall workout routine. The body must be able to handle an increased heart rate and increased blood flow for longer periods of time. Hormones become stimulated, which heats up the muscles, improving capillary density. Aerobic exercises should be done in shorter repetitions to avoid any unnecessary stress on the muscles or joints.
General strength exercises should also be used along with speed conditioning. The best time to do them is the day after a speed workout. This gives the heart and muscles time to recover and reap the benefits of the speed workout. Strength exercises typically do not put any strain on the heart because they are only done to improve soft tissue strength and to strengthen the muscles. Speed conditioning exercises can resume the following day.
People who work out regularly should consume certain kinds of foods. To be able to perform at a high level, a diet low in fat and high in protein is recommended. Starches and sugary foods should be kept to a minimum. Whole grains, nuts, vegetables, olive oil, and lean meats can benefit a speed conditioning workout. Too much fat can limit speed potential.
Conditioning exercises done correctly can eliminate the chances of having a workout injury. For example, while doing squatting exercises, posture and proper foot placement are important. Running or jumping rope should not be done on a concrete or asphalt surface.