Photorejuvenation treatment focuses on alleviating skin conditions such as discoloration, scarring, and wrinkles through the use of intense pulsed light. The types of photorejuvenation treatmet fall into three major categories: chemical, mechanical, and thermal. They promote the production collagen and elasticity of the skin, and cause a minimum of side effects.
Photorejuvenation derives its name from its reliance on light as a therapeutic tool. Proponents believe that various wavelengths in the light spectrum can promote collagen growth and elasticity in the skin: two important factors for youthful-looking, healthy skin. Scientific trial studies have allegedly demonstrated the technique’s usefulness in various skin issues.
The type of photorejuvenation used often depends upon the particular skin condition. Lasers, thermage, and chemical peels represent the three most common tools used. Each tool differs in its power, wavelength, and duration. Therefore, each tool may be best suited to specific skin conditions. Cosmetic surgeons or dermatologists must be specially trained in using a specific tool type.
Light, heat, and chemicals provide the foundation for photorejuvenation. For example, intense pulsed light (IPL) is typically produced especially for medical treatments. IPL photorejuvenation consists of high intensity bursts of light produced in a short time period. Small points of the light can be applied to the skin via a laser or other device in targeted areas through a filter. The light stimulates growth of collagen, and in some cases controlled wounds are produced so that the skin may self-heal and create new, more vital skin cells.
Many conditions can purportedly benefit from IPL treatment. Laser treatments, for example, have been utilized on patients with acne, rosacea, lesions, birthmarks, excessive hair, sun damage, scars, and wrinkled or sagging skin. Resurfacing lasers have proven to be a particularly invaluable tool in the latter treatments. Treatments are most often applied to the face, but other areas such as the neck and the chest may be treated as well.
Photorejuvenation is often chosen as a treatment options for skin conditions because the method is mostly non-invasive and takes less time as compared to other alternatives. Therefore, side effects are minimal and patient recover is hastened, according to proponents. The treatment is typically utilized as a supplement to other methods, however.
An average treatment lasts from 30 minutes to one hour and treatments occur every few weeks. Multiple visitations may be necessary, with the typical regimen requiring around five treatments. Results vary by condition and by individual. Post-treatment measures may involve dressing wounds and applying ointments. A certified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist can best address specific concerns and questions.