Online recruitment advertising is a strategy that involves use of various resources found on the Internet as a means of recruiting individuals for participation in various types of activities. One of the more common applications of this type of recruiting effort is connected with job seekers who are qualified to fill positions currently open within a corporate organization. A similar application involves advertising various types of agent or reseller opportunities that do not provide salaries and benefits, but do provide the chance to earn money based on a commission. Online recruiting advertising may also be aimed at connecting with parties interested in work with non-profit organizations in some type of volunteer status.
The most common type of online recruitment advertising has to do with publicizing employment opportunities and hopefully connecting with qualified individuals who have the necessary skills and background to successfully perform the duties associated with those jobs. Several different approaches to the advertising may occur. One basic strategy is to make use of various online classified web sites to post job notices that provide information about the job, such as an overview of the skills and educational background required, the starting salary or wage, and how to submit an application for review. In some instances, these sites are free of charge, and work well for smaller companies with limited resources to devote to job recruiting.
Other methods can also be employed with online recruitment advertising. These include pages and banner ads on the main site of the employer, as well as placing ads on fee-based job recruiting web sites. While there is usually some cost for these types of sites, the expense is typically much less than using a traditional headhunter or employment service to find qualified candidates. In addition, using online recruitment advertising makes it possible to reach job seekers over a much larger geographical area, possibly allowing the employer to find ideal candidates who otherwise would never have known of the employer or the opportunity.
When used by non-profit organizations, online recruitment advertising is often an effective means of locating and entering into dialogue with qualified individuals who could serve as executive directors, fundraising officers, and others who could help to grow the organization. At the same time, this approach can be used to alert the general public to volunteer opportunities with the non-profit, effectively broadening the pool of resources at hand to offer services to the wider community. Strategically placed ads, informational pages about volunteer opportunities on the non-profit’s web site, and even email campaigns can make a huge difference in reaching people that can help with many of the events sponsored by the organization.
In all its applications, the goal of online recruitment advertising is to allow businesses and other organizations the chance to come into contact with people who would like to be a part of those organizations, either as employees or in some other capacity. This form of recruiting expands on more traditional methods such as advertising in print publications, and will often help to generate additional responses. The real-time nature of online recruitment advertising also means that responses to the ads may be received in a matter of minutes after posting the advertising, a factor that may be very important if there is a crucial need to fill a position sooner rather than later.