Mobile document shredding is a service offered by document destruction companies to businesses and private individuals. As opposed to the traditional service of picking up boxed documents to be hauled to the company’s facility for shredding, this service entails document destruction on the premises of the business or individual.
This service involves bringing a truck equipped with an industrial shredder directly to an office or home. The document destruction company’s employees shred the client’s selected documents on site before hauling them away. This process provides businesses and individuals with added security, as they are able to witness the destruction of their documents.
As security and identity theft continue to be issues of paramount importance, mobile document shredding is a growing service. All sensitive documents including a business’s or individual’s financial and personal information can be destroyed and safely disposed of by a trusted document destruction company. Most companies' mobile document shredding services can shred paper documents, which are later recycled into other paper products, and can also safely destroy computer discs containing sensitive information.
Businesses are required to adhere to security and privacy policies as governed by their local or state law and must take the necessary precautions to properly manage and destroy the personal information of their employees and/or clients. Individuals who are concerned about identity theft should follow the same precautions with their personal and financial paper information.
If you decide that you personally or your company would benefit from the added security of mobile document shredding, check with your current document destruction company. If you currently entrust document destruction to entry level employees and are concerned about security, or if you are considering selecting a company to provide mobile document shredding services, be sure to research them thoroughly. A document destruction company should hire only employees who can adequately pass a criminal and credit background check, and they should fingerprint all employees. Additionally, be sure the company is run by a security professional who is up to date on privacy laws and adheres to the proper recycling guidelines.