Megamarketing is a type of marketing approach that seeks to make use of a wide range of marketing strategies to broaden recognition and appeal of the goods and services offered by a company. Generally, the idea behind this type of marketing approach is to introduce the products to new markets while still retaining the loyalty of consumers in older markets. A megamarketing strategy is sometimes used to take a local company to a regional or national audience, as well as move a company that is well-known in one nation to the marketplace in one or more other countries.
Part of the strategy behind megamarketing is to make the most beneficial use of a wide range of elements that are outside the scope of the internal organization of the enterprise. This often means identifying governmental events and regulations that can help the business gain a presence in new markets, as well as learning how to make the best possible usage of a wider range of media options, rather than relying simply on methods used in the past. For example, a local company that wishes to expand the consumer base that was reached using radio commercials may choose to syndicate those commercials to radio stations outside the local area, take out print ads in major newspapers within a broader geographical region, or possibly make use of television commercials or Internet advertising to reach more consumers in more locations.
The exact nature of a megamarketing campaign can take on a number of different approaches, depending on the goals for the marketing effort. Along with increasing the use of media and making the most of laws and regulations to open doors, the development of strategic alliances may also help to increase the name recognition of the company and allow its products to reach more consumers in more places. Those alliances may be with partners who are actively involved with a specific social issue or some other event that has a high profile and is on the minds of a large number of people. In some cases, alliances may be forged with companies offering products used in tandem with the goods and services offered by the firm, allowing both companies to benefit from the partnership.
With megamarketing, the goal is to adapt the use of tried and true marketing strategies while also introducing new methods into the marketing and public relations effort. Doing so will often raise consumer awareness, which in turn increases the opportunity to generate additional sales. As with any type of marketing strategy, megamarketing must involve the coordination of all efforts so that consumers get a clear and uncomplicated perception of what the company has to offer and how it addresses their particular needs and wants. When successful, this approach strengthens ties with current customers and introduces the business to new customers who may never have heard of the business or its products otherwise.