Computer security training can involve a number of different steps and procedures, often depending on the type of training a person wants and his or her prior education. This type of training often begins with a degree or general program of study in computer science, with a focus on security. Training beyond this initial program, however, can vary quite a bit, depending on the type of computer security work a person wants to be able to perform. Computer security training can focus on network security, which often involves a background in information technology (IT) and hacking or localized data security through the use of digital rights management (DRM) or other methods.
Anyone interested in computer security training should typically begin with a formal education in computer science or IT. While such an education is not always necessary, it has become increasingly important as more and more people interested in working in computer security have entered the job market. This means that computer security training usually begins with a general education in computers, often with a focus on security. Many colleges and universities provide programs in computer science or security, which can be used to gain the education needed for this field.
Someone who already has a degree or background in general computer studies or the IT industry can also choose to engage in computer security training for more advanced purposes. These courses can be taken at a college or university, or may be taken through an online program, and are often structured in a way similar to other classes. In this type of computer security training, students may learn about specific aspects of computer security, such as network security through the development of secure network systems and understanding how others may attack them. Data encryption and security methods, are also common subjects for study, and can include the creation of DRM systems and other techniques used to protect data released for commercial use.
Computer security training can also be quite a bit different from other classes, and may involve learning to defend against virtual attacks. A class might provide a student with a network or similar system that he or she can personalize and protect. The teacher of the class, or employees involved with the training, may then launch a simulated attack against that network to demonstrate to students what they should expect in a real world environment. This type of computer security training is often used in tandem with more traditional approaches to training and classes, to provide students with applicable understanding of computer security and weaknesses commonly found in various systems.