Gelsemium is a kind of extract of the Yellow Jessamine plant. The Yellow Jessamine’s biological name is Gelsemium Sempervirens. It is a perennial evergreen with bright yellow flowers. It grows up to 40 feet (12.2 meters) tall in subtropical regions.
The Yellow Jessamine plant is actually the state flower of South Carolina. This plant contains a potent poison, and ingesting it is generally not a good idea. Despite the fact that the Yellow Jessamine is poisonous, throughout time, extracts made from its roots have served as medicine.
Medicines made from the essential oils of roots of the Yellow Jessamine have had a wide variety of practical uses throughout the centuries. It has been used to treat whooping cough and asthma, and to alleviate fever. Yellow Jessamine was also used to treat lung conditions such as pleurisy, where lung inflammation brought on respiratory problems. The same plant was also sometimes used to treat indigestion.
As the Yellow Jessamine plant is full of poison, healers have to take care to use only the correct parts of the root. The herb root is strained and diluted in order to correctly extract the medicinal element. When properly prepared, the extract commonly called Gelsemium can often help with specific nervous system disorders.
The power of the home herbal remedy made from the jessamine represents a strict duality: people affected with the kinds of problems often brought on by ingesting the poisonous herb can sometimes be cured by the root. Ailments that may be treated with Gelsemium include lethargy, debilitating headaches, and other nervous system issues that cause fatigue and withdrawal. Traditionally, this kind of extract has been seen as a medicine for providing stamina and endurance.
In modern-day treatment, the extract can provide help with chronic fatigue or phobias. Those who have trouble dealing with the pressures of their daily routine can sometimes get help from a Jessamine herb remedy that assists them in finding the vitality and power to meet the day’s challenges. Some modern-day patients contend that a Gelsemium dose helps them deal with tasks, such as commuting through busy cities, that can be daunting and deplete their energy.
Those considering a regimen of Gelsemium as a home remedy should take all of the appropriate care that they would with other kinds of herbal remedies or homeopathic medicine. Gelsemium in particular must be carefully controlled, since the plant itself contains a powerful poison. Consult your doctor before getting involved in using a Gelsemium treatment plan, and consider how its effects on the nervous system may interact with your specific conditions or existing medications.