Garlic conditioner is a hair care product used to help keep hair healthy and moisturized. It is also often used to add shine and luster to hair. It may sound a bit strange to use an ingredient most common to fragrant Italian dishes as part of a beauty regimen, but many people swear by garlic conditioner. This product is especially popular among people who wear their hair long and therefore need to keep their hair in healthy condition to avoid frizziness and unruliness. Garlic conditioner is also reported to help reduce tangling in the hair.
Most companies that sell garlic conditioner use an unscented garlic extract. This is good news for those who want to use this product in order to boost their level of hair care but would rather not walk around smelling like garlic bread all day. There are some home beauty treatments that include instructions to make homemade garlic hair treatments. These, however, are often quite pungent in their aromas.
In addition to being used as a rinse following shampoo, garlic conditioner is sometimes use in other ways. It is sometimes used as a deep conditioner, which means that the product is left on the hair for up to 15 minutes before it is rinsed away. In other cases it is used as a leave-in conditioner, meaning that it is applied to damp hair that has been shampooed followed by one's usual styling process. Finally, some people use this product as a scalp treatment to help keep the scalp healthy and moisturized. This can help to reduce dandruff and other scalp conditions.
In addition to garlic conditioner, there are also hot-oil hair treatments that use garlic or garlic extract as a key ingredient. Furthermore, there are some hair growth systems for people who are losing hair or balding that include garlic or garlic extracts as a primary ingredient. It is believed that garlic can stimulate hair growth as well as improve the shine and manageability of the hair.
Garlic conditioner can be used on a number of hair types, from very coarse and highly textured hair to smooth and straight hair. There are some brands of garlic conditioner that are packaged and marketed for certain hair types and others that do not specify what types of hair they are for because they are formulated for use on many different hair types. Garlic conditioner is often more expensive than average drug store brands of conditioner.