The term e-administration refers to the method of automating key administrative functions using electronic and computer-based technologies. The main objective of e-administration is to cut down on wasted paper and space by converting important documents and files to electronic files. This strategy has become popular with many industries where heavy paperwork is a major part of conducting business, such as health care, legal, scientific, and government agencies. Private companies have also adopted e-administration in an effort to save time and resources.
In companies that use e-administration, less paperwork is lost or mishandled by unauthorized individuals. Files are retrieved electronically, so there is an electronic code left behind to track who accessed the documents. This system can provide security in a company by limiting who can view certain files and requiring clearance for any one else who needs to access certain records. This is especially important in industries where patient or client confidentiality is important.
E-administration is also becoming a common practice in the business world as more professionals use email, word processing, and social media networking. These electronic methods of communication allow people to share information, documents, and records seamlessly via the Internet instead of waiting for traditional mail and courier services. With automated office practices in place, messages are conveyed at lightning speed, which makes processes much more efficient. E-administration eliminates the hassles of printing, mailing, filing, and delivering paper documents.
Consumers benefit from e-administration as it influences the way they shop, buy and sell goods, or access records. Private citizens can obtain support from government agencies and financial organizations via the Internet through electronic processes, rather than being forced to travel to office buildings. Citizens can pay taxes, get replacement identification cards, and make address changes electronically via telephone or computer. Consumers can search for necessities and request information or make purchases in much the same way.
In some industries e-administration it is a requirement. As part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, the United States Congress required that all health care facilities store patient records in a secure electronic system. This has paved the way for other industries to follow suit in developing similar policies. This has changed the way many businesses handle records and will likely become a requirement for all organizations in the future.