Deltasone® is a brand name for the medication called prednisone, which is a corticosteroid. This particular brand is available by prescription only, as is the generic, and it comes in both tablet and liquid form. The medicine may be used to treat short-term acute conditions or to address chronic illnesses like some autoimmune disorders that result in severe inflammatory response on a regular basis. Usually, it doesn’t matter whether people take the generic prednisone or Deltasone®. Both are equally effective and both share a rather serious side effect profile and contraindications that must be evaluated.
Dosing of Deltasone® varies by individual and people might only take the medicine for days or weeks at most. Dose often increases and then decreases before discontinuation, unless use is just for a day or two. Tapering is usually recommended to avoid certain negative side effects. Most people take prednisone with food, otherwise it can cause severe nausea, and it can be important to have something flavorful to drink or eat right after a dose. The medicine is notoriously bitter, and the liquid form can be exceptionally hard to take. Young children on the drug may very often vomit right after a dose, but something like a spoon of honey (for kids over two), chocolate, or another strong and sweet flavor may result in kids being better able to keep the medicine down.
The principal conditions that Deltasone® might treat include things like contact dermatitis, severe asthma, concussion, or muscular or skeletal injury not responding to other treatments. Chronic conditions like Crohn’s disease, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis may be addressed with prednisone, too. The steroid helps minimize inflammation and may make these conditions less of a factor in daily living.
Not everyone can take medicines like prednisone. People with ongoing bacterial, viral or fungal infections may have weakened immune systems as a result of taking Deltasone® and usually will not be prescribed this medicine. Doctors might also look for alternatives for patients with heart, liver, or kidney disease, with mood disorders, for pregnant women, and for those with other complex illnesses. This may be a judgment call, and in some instances, short-term use benefits outweigh potential risks.
Serious side effects can result from using Deltasone® including allergic anaphylactic shock reaction, intestinal bleeding, and very high blood pressure. People may also note less dangerous side effects like facial swelling, hair growth on arms or other parts of the body, difficulty sleeping, changes in mood, nausea, changes in appetite, and weight gain particularly around the stomach. Should side effects become irksome, people should consult their physicians for guidance.
There are a number of medications with which Deltasone® can interact and patients should discuss with their physicians any medications they take. Prednisone should never be mixed with alcohol either because this may cause liver damage or make stomach side effects much worse. People are also advised to avoid immunizations while on this corticosteroid and should be aware they are especially vulnerable to any live virus vaccines.