Condurango, also known as eagle bark, is an herbal remedy from Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. The dried, bitter bark of the tree's trunk and limbs is used for stimulating the appetite. The home herbal remedy is also used in treating various stomach ailments.
Eagle bark is best known for its appetite stimulating qualities. It can be combined with other bitter agents for a stronger effect as well. A digestive aid, it can help increase the production of saliva and stomach enzymes.
A nerve relaxer, condurango may be used as a tonic for the stomach. This aids in relieving indigestion, nervous conditions, stomach tension, catarrahal gastritis, and anxiety. Gastric ulcers may also be treated with condurango. The remedy was originally intended as a cure for early stages of stomach cancer. While it has been proven to be ineffective in curing cancer, it can alleviate some symptoms.
Supplements may be taken in pill form. Daily doses are usually prescribed at .007 to .018 ounces (200 to 500 milligrams). The supplement should be stored away from direct light and heat.
Wine from condurango is also considered good for the stomach. To experience its benefits, a person may drink half an ounce daily. For an infusion of the herbal remedy, one to two teaspoons (five to ten milliliters) of the powdered bark can be added to one cup (237 milliliters) of water. The mixture should be boiled for ten to fifteen minutes and taken up to three times daily. The tincture form of the bark may be taken three times a day in amounts of .03 to .07 ounces (one to two milliliters).
This remedy is not considered safe for everyone. People who are pregnant, breastfeeding, allergic to certain medications, or taking medication should consult with a medical professional before taking the herb. People with liver problems or high blood pressure should also avoid condurango.
Some side effects of taking this remedy may include itchy or swollen skin, chest pain, rash, breathing problems, skin hives, or tightness in the chest or throat. Restlessness and seizures can also result from taking the herbal remedy. Some takers of the medicine may experience problems with vision. Paralysis and vertigo are some extreme symptoms that can occur in severe cases.
Also known as gonolobus condurango, the vine is a member of the milkweed family. Condurango may also be known as marsdenia cundruango, ecorce de condurango, and condruangorinde. It usually grows in the Andes mountains.