Certification training is a type of training or educational course needed to become certified in a particular practice or field. The training is in addition to any required testing that individuals may need to go through before becoming certified. Many different fields require some type of certification training, from child care work, to the practice of law and medicine. Individuals may be able to take a certification course in just a few hours, or it may take months or years to complete, depending on the difficulty of the certification.
One of the most popular certifications for individuals in a variety of fields is related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Many different groups, including the Red Cross, offer this type of certification training, and you may be able to complete it in less than one day. Typically, the certification takes four to six hours, depending on how many units of first aid you take. This training is required for life guards, many day care workers and teachers.
In some cases, you may be able to obtain certification in a respective field simply by taking one or more tests without formal certification training. These tests seek to measure your knowledge of the relevant issues by relying on you to do independent study, or perhaps allow you to depend on your own experience for the answers. Independent study may be a cheaper option in such cases, but some may learn more and perform better on the tests through more formalized certification training. It is up to you to determine which method suits you the best.
While nearly all types of certifications require some initial certification training, some certifications may require ongoing training as well. This ongoing certification training may or may not require additional testing. Often, this training helps those in certain professions stay up to date on the latest techniques and laws. Lawyers, teachers, and doctors all require ongoing training in order to remain certified in their fields.
When looking at professional certifications, it is advisable to check frequently into what the requirements are, as they may change from time to time. Also, make sure that the classes you plan on taking qualify for the trainings you need. Whether or not you take classes or training that do not meet credit requirements is a personal decision, but you should understand what you are getting into. These optional, or non-credit classes, may be just as beneficial as some of the required certification training courses.