Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is holistic rather than symptom specific. The body, mind, and spirit are all an integral part of the treatment program. Ayurvedic practitioners urge patients to eat healthy and balanced diets to control their blood sugar levels. In addition, internal cleansing may be a part of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Herbs to control blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity, as well as yoga, are also important components of the treatment.
The foundation of Ayurvedic medicine is balance. During treatment, practitioners assist patients to achieve spiritual, mental, and physical harmony. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is that the patient will know how to keep the disease under control and thereby improve his or her overall well-being.
Treatment begins with diet modification. Meals consisting of complex carbohydrates, along with plenty of fruits and vegetables, are emphasized. Protein intake is minimized to decrease the load on the kidneys. Fat intake is also limited. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugary and processed foods, are completely eliminated.
The next phase of treatment is the internal cleanse. This may begin with an herbal massage of eucalyptus, geranium, and juniper essential oils mixed with a vegetable oil base. Following the massage, the patient takes an herbal sauna. After the sauna treatment, the patient begins fasting, and ingests an herbal preparation to purge the liver, pancreas, and spleen of toxins. Colon therapy is the last step of the internal cleanse. Cleansing the colon may help the body respond positively to the new, healthier lifestyle.
The herbs turmeric and bitter melon may be recommended as an herbal Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Both may bring blood sugar levels to within a normal range. A general turmeric dosage is two capsules taken three times a day before meals for one month. One capsule of bitter melon may be taken on an empty stomach once a day. An expensive, but effective herbal Ayurvedic treatment may be vasanta kusumakar ras. This herbal combination reportedly works to quickly reduce blood sugar levels. Anyone who decides to take vasanta kusumakar ras should monitor blood sugar levels very closely.
Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine have been linked for thousands of years. Any Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes will probably include yoga exercises. Practicing yoga each day may improve the patient's ability to handle stress. With stress tolerance increased, it may be easier for the patient to follow through with the other components of Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. In turn, diabetes may be brought under long-term control, and the patient may decrease the risk for diabetic complications.