An external degree is a type of degree offered by an institution of learning that is awarded to students who do not physically attend classes at the school. This sort of degree can often be provided through distance learning or to students who attend extended courses offered by an affiliated school or similar program. Such a degree could act as a form of certification, or it may be a standard degree, such as a bachelor’s degree, that is simply offered through non-traditional means. An external degree has become a somewhat more common form of educational degree since the proliferation of the Internet has led to many institutions offering online classes and other E-learning programs.
While different colleges and universities may offer a wide array of programs that can be pursued to acquire an external degree, there are some aspects most programs will have in common. In general, such a program will involve classes that are attended or completed in a way other than by a student being physically present in classrooms at the college or university. This can be done, for example, by allowing students to attend classes at another college or university that is partnered with the institution offering the extended degree. Distance learning can also be utilized in other ways, such as by broadcasting video of a teacher through the Internet to other classrooms in different areas.
The actual type of degree that is earned through an external degree program at a school can vary a great deal. Certain schools may only provide some form of certification for the completion of this type of program, often a professional or technical certification that may require the completion of further testing. Other schools will offer a traditional bachelor’s degree or similar degree to someone who completes an external degree program. Higher levels of academic degrees, such as master’s degrees or doctorates, are typically less common through this sort of program due to the academic and research requirements of such degrees.
As the Internet has expanded significantly, and more people have access to computers than ever before, earning an external degree has become more common. This is because many schools have begun offering classes online through E-learning programs available to just about anyone in the world. Such programs are often less expensive for a college than a traditional classroom, since a single instructor can teach far more classes without giving multiple lessons; this had made these types of programs and classes increasingly popular at universities. Online classes have also led to many students combining traditional and external degree programs, attending some classes at the college while taking other classes online.