A number of credit cards offer the perk of frequent flier bonuses. These credit cards give bonus flier miles dependent on the amount of money you spend on your card. You can also opt for an airline credit card. These are credit cards that are sponsored by certain airlines. With an airline credit card, you may be limited to flying with a specific airline, but the bonus miles you receive may offset the cost.
If you often fly a certain route or use a specific airline, it may be of benefit to you to find out if they have their own airline credit card. By using the airline credit card to pay for your flights, you can save a great deal of money. Perhaps your community has an air company that you use for all your business flights. By using their sponsored airline credit card, you can receive big discounts such as air miles, or special promotion offers on your flights.
Many different airline credit cards offer big benefits. For example, you can receive 10,000 air miles just by signing up for a Northwest Visa card. The American Airlines Citibank MasterCard, which is run by Citibank and American Airlines, will give you 7,500 bonus air miles if you open a platinum account with them. If you decide to open a gold account, you will receive 10,000 air miles.
Usually, the more you spend with the airline credit card, the more air miles you will receive. With the Northwest Visa card, you can earn a mile for every 2 US dollars (USD) you spend beyond 10,000 USD. The first time you use a British Airways Visa card, you will be rewarded with an astonishing 15,000 miles.
You may also find it useful to check with your bank to see if they handle any type of airline credit card or have specific airline bonus schemes. These cards may be more to your advantage, as unlike a specifically sponsored airline credit card, they do not limit the air companies you can fly with. Another benefit of the bank’s air miles is that they may not require you to eran a certain number of miles before using them.
A very popular card is the Capital One Miles One credit card. They will award you a mile with every dollar you spend. There is a limit – 10,000 USD per month – but if you earn 9,000 points, you are eligible to win a free flight. There is no limit on the different airlines you can use, and it is a helpful card if you want to shop around for the best airline deal.