An aircraft mechanic is an individual who is especially trained for the building and maintenance of aircraft engines. The typical aircraft or airplane mechanic is proficient with a wide range of airplane engines, but usually has a particular area of expertise in regarding to the size and type of engines he or she works with. Any mechanic with the proper credentials and training to work on airplanes can find work in a number of capacities, all having to do with aviation in some manner.
While educational requirements vary from one part of the world to another, it is usually necessary for the budding aircraft mechanic to have some sort of formal training in a technician school that is properly credentialed. In most countries, technical schools require that applicants have completed basic schooling before admission to the program is granted. In the United States, the applicant must possess at least a high school diploma or a General Education Diploma before admittance to any of the FAA approved technical schools is possible.
Along with formal training, it is usually necessary to have some practical experience before receiving licensing as a certified aircraft mechanic. Generally, it is required to have practical experience with either power plants of airframes before any type of certification is granted. It is not unusual for the budding aircraft mechanic to seek some experience in both areas, and thus enhance the employment opportunities that are available after the certification process is complete.
An aircraft mechanic may utilize his or her abilities in several different ways. The mechanic may choose to work in manufacturing facilities devoted to the creation of aircraft. Service in a branch of the military that relies upon the use of aircraft is a second option. Choosing to work directly for an airline as part of a maintenance and repair team is a common career choice. At the same time, many aircraft mechanics choose to work for small airports that cater to private planes. Finally, teaching core classes that have to do with aircraft construction and maintenance is also an option that many trained aircraft mechanics find rewarding.