An aeration pump is designed to pull air from the atmosphere and release it into water, which supplies oxygen into the water as well as promoting circulation within it. This type of pump is commonly used in fish aquariums, ponds, man-made lakes, fountains, and any other type of instrument or water masses that requires oxygen to be circulated throughout the water. There are many different sizes and styles to match numerous tasks, and they can be designed as linear, roller, or piston style pumps.
In ponds, lakes, and aquamarines where fish are planted, but have no outside water sources that supply them, an aeration pump will need to be installed. Fish must have oxygen circulated into their water environments, and without a flowing source of water, a pump will be required in order to keep the fish alive and healthy. An aeration pump is designed to replace rivers and streams that usually flow into larger bodies of water, as well as waterfalls and underground springs, all of which circulate the standing water which produces oxygen within it. Standing water will not have any type of circulation without a pump, making it impossible for fish, or even water plants, to survive.
Advanced aeration pumps are also used for cultivating land throughout many areas of the world. A pump will circulate oxygen into the water before it is pushed out through the irrigation lines onto the crops that are being grown. Having an increased amount of oxygen within the irrigation system allows the water to be absorbed quicker and more efficiently into the soil. This allows the irrigation process to save time, as well as save on the amount of water that is used.
Each specific application will require a certain type of aeration pump in order to maximize the benefits from it. Linear style pumps are used for smaller applications, such as in small fountains and fish aquariums. Roller pumps are designed for medium sized applications like larger aquariums and small ponds, while the piston style pumps are made for large requirements. No matter what type or style of aeration pump used, they must fit the specific requirements for the application needed.
In order to ensure that the proper size of aeration pump is used, mathematical calculations will need to be performed. This process begins with analyzing the area of water that needs circulated and then the air pressure of the pump, or the pounds per square inch, will need to be found. In order to calculate the pounds per square inch measure the depth of the water and multiply it by .4335. This will determine the amount of pressure that the aeration pump will have to exceed in order to circulate the water properly. Of course, most pumps will give a square footage of water that can be effectively circulated; so many times all that will be necessary will be to figure out the square footage of the area. This is accomplished by multiplying the height by the width, which gives the total square footage of an area.