Switching regulators are voltage regulators that convert a direct current electrical power supply into an alternating current, then into a different type of voltage, based on the type of power needed. Before delivering the power to the point of termination, the switching regulator makes one final transformation, returning the current back into DC. A switching regulator makes use of a series of inductors, capacitors and other components to accomplish these three steps, as well as control the flow and amount of voltage that runs through at any given time.
Each of the components of a switching regulator perform a specific role in the conversion process. The capacitors and inductors collect and store current at various points in the conversion. Transistors and other switching elements come into play as the means of opening and closing the flow of current as needed. It is this process of opening and closing that provides a key means of regulating the current load and making it possible to convert the current and control the final output.
The overall function of the switching regulator usually includes the usage of a loop system that is closed and helps to support the filtering process performed by the transistors. The loop system also helps to maintain a steady and consistent flow of energy. This action further aids in the process of not overloading circuits or causing damage to any device receiving the current.
In many systems, a switching regulator is one of the components that is monitored as part of safety precautions. In the event that switching power supplies become unstable, the regulator along with other key components carrying the power load will begin to shut down before an overload can take place. This was not always the case. In years past, monitoring the power flow was a manual process and required a manual shutdown of the current instead of an automatic one.
As the demand for electricity continues to grow, the role of the switching regulator has also become more important. This has led to periodic enhancements of the structure and function of the regulators, adapting them to fit a wide range of situations. In addition, there are examples of regulators manufactured to handle power supplies for large office buildings, sections of national power grids, and the private power supplies used in some countries to provide emergency power to hospitals and businesses.