Regional marketing manager is a position often found in large, multinational corporations. The primary purpose of this position is to ensure that the overall marketing strategy is implemented correctly, modifying it if needed to accommodate local issues or sensitivities. The regional marketing manager often plays an important role in the development of marketing strategies, identifying products that would sell well in the local market.
In general, the regional marketing manager has 10 to 15 years of progressive work experience in marketing. As an upper or senior management position, the expectation is that this position reports directly to the appropriate vice president, either marketing or sales. Marketing is the business process of advising potential clients of your product, differentiating it from similar products, and increasing sales volumes.
Most regional marketing managers have completed a post-secondary education program in business or marketing. However, candidates with extensive experience who are able to function at the required level may also be considered for this type of position. Many regional managers are promoted from within the company, and may have performed a range of roles in the marketing department. Candidates without formal marketing education, but extensive experience often complete a master of business administration degree (MBA) part time. This type of training provides a broader perspective of how other firms and industries deal with their challenges.
Although it varies by industry, most regional marketing managers have limited contact with clients. Instead, the tasks are primarily one of coordination, working with sales representatives and marketing staff to determine the ideal strategy. Some firms use the services of marketing or advertising agencies to devise different marketing campaigns or strategies. The regional marketing manager works closely with the firm, providing direction and requirements during the creative process.
The process to become a regional service manager varies by industry. These positions are typically filled internally wherever possible. If not, the job description may be posted in an industry magazine or be provided to a recruitment firm. Although a case can be made that senior management responsibilities are the same regardless of industry, the vast majority of firms require senior management to have extensive experience in their industry.
Related work experience that is helpful when looking to become a regional marketing manager is a combination of management experience and marketing knowledge. Interpersonal skills become more important than technical skills at this level, which may require a shift in expectations and even the development of new skills. Team management, supervision, and staff issues are an essential part of this job.
A regional manager position is considered middle management within an organizational structure. Promotion to this level of responsibility is the culmination of many years of work, consistently high-quality performance, and extra effort. Compensation at this level is higher than for other types of management positions, but this is in keeping with a greater performance expectation and longer hours.