A presentation for business is a communication platform that allows an individual or group to share information with peers, managers, potential customers, and current clients. In the past, a presentation for business involved a prepared speech that was delivered in real time and accompanied by a variety of visual aids, but advancements in technology have expanded presentation methods to include dynamic media that can be accessed on websites or delivered via email. This allows presenters to reach a much larger audience and gives that audience the opportunity to view the presentation as many times as necessary to fully understand the intended message.
There are many reasons a presentation for business can be more effective than a written report. When delivered in real time, the communicator receives immediate feedback that allows for clarification of points that are difficult to understand. This is especially useful when the information is highly technical or complicated, and utilizing charts and graphs for informational presentations helps to reinforce the information. Persuasive messages are also best delivered with an oral presentation. An enthusiastic, confident speaker is much more likely to sway an audience in an intended direction than a written report would be.
Most speakers utilize some form of software to prepare a presentation for business. One popular resource is Microsoft® PowerPoint. This software allows the user to prepare slides that can be viewed on a computer by an individual or projected onto a wall for viewing by large audiences. Simple slide presentations will likely include a few images or charts as well as short messages on each slide that are accompanied by a prepared speech. More advanced slide presentations might incorporate video, sound, and interactive media to capture the attention of the audience.
The most important consideration a speaker should keep in mind when creating a presentation for business is the audience. For example, a complicated topic delivered to a group of technical professionals will have to be simplified if it is then to be delivered to a layperson. Online presentations should be geared to the global audience. That means the material should be appropriate for different cultures, different ages, and for people with different backgrounds. To do this, a speaker should use standard English, avoid slang, and keep the message simple and well organized. It is always a good idea to research different cultures so that one does not inadvertently make an offensive comment, as phrases and gestures may have entirely different meanings in different countries.