A certified flight instructor is an individual who teaches other people how to fly. He or she has certification from a major aviation organization for this purpose, which indicates that the flight instructor is a proficient pilot, has completed coursework on how to teach aviation and has passed one or more competency exams.
Requirements to become a certified flight instructor vary considerably from country to country. Very generally, individuals who want to become certified usually have to have a current license of their own. Normally the license cannot be a private license, but rather, a commercial or airline transport, which allows the pilot to fly for hire rather than simple leisure. Often, a private license is a prerequisite for getting the commercial or airline transport license necessary to become certified.
People who want to teach others how to fly also have to take specialized classes pertaining to flight instruction. With a current pilot license, which is a requirement to enroll in these types of courses, the classes concentrate on topics such as how to calmly correct errors, judge when the student is in trouble and balance safety and instruction. They also may cover current aviation regulations.
An instrument rating is another common requirement for a certified flight instructor. The instrument rating is based on an examination of how well the individual can handle an aircraft or simulator using only the aircraft instruments. This rating is important because it shows that the individual can use the instruments to fly the plane even in situations such as inclement weather or poor visibility.
For legal reasons, a person who wishes to become a certified flight instructor commonly has to meet the minimum legal adult age in his jurisdiction. He can sometimes begin work on his licenses prior to this, however, but he cannot take the certification tests until he is of age.
Jurisdictions also may require the instructor to hold a medical certification which just means that the pilot has gotten a medical examination and has been found in good health. It also can mean that the pilot is proficient in basic first aid techniques such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This is critical because the physical stress of flight can endanger the pilot or his passengers if the pilot is not in good health.
Normally, a certified flight instructor focuses on one type of aircraft. This is necessary because even though the basic physics of flight do not change, plane design and technology does. Flying a small, single engine plane is very different than flying a helicopter or large passenger plane, for instance. The certification indicates the plane focus in most instances.
Those who teach flight principles and techniques may do so in different ways. For instance, they might lead traditional courses in a classroom setting. They also can work with students in simulators. Once the student performs well enough in the simulator, the instructor takes the student up in a dual-controlled aircraft, taking over the controls when necessary.
One quirk of being a certified flight instructor is that the schedule of work is not consistent. Instructors do not always have the same number of students, and they sometimes have to accommodate seasonal shifts.