A certified event planner is a person who has obtained a certificate in event planning from an accredited university or college. Since event planning has become highly competitive, many different schools offer certificate programs that relate directly to the event planning business. Event planners who have obtained an event planning certificate often gain a larger clientele, since these certificates provide an event planner with credibility.
Certified meeting planner or certified special events planner certificates are offered throughout the globe at various colleges and universities. In addition to seeking certification through education, a certified event planner usually has a great deal of hands-on experience. In fact, most event planners begin their careers by obtaining an internship with a large event planning company, since this provides valuable industry exposure.
There are many different types of event planners, including sports event planners, special events planners, and corporate events planners. Thus, any aspiring event specialist should consider finding a niche market. While a certified event planner such as a wedding planner may be in high demand, the competition within this type of event planning field is often extremely competitive. Therefore, it is a wise idea to target people or corporations who are not catered to on a regular basis.
In addition to handling various types of clients at once, a certified event planner must also be highly organized. Also, event planners should be able to communicate with clients effectively and rationally. There are many different aspects of event planning that are often difficult, though this type of profession can be rewarding for those who spend a great deal of time perfecting an independent event planning business.
Prospective corporate events planners should be able to approach large companies without hesitation. Likewise, a certified event planner who specializes in child parties should be able to speak with both children and parents without becoming frazzled. Ultimately, the goal of an event planner is to make all parties involved in an event happy while balancing funds, appointments, and special arrangements flawlessly.
To find a college or university that offers certificates in event planning, spend some time looking at college and university websites. In addition, trying to secure an internship with an existing event planner is a great way to gain important industry knowledge. Once both a certificate and industry experience have been gained, it will become possible to open an event planning business, though this cannot be done without the aforementioned steps.