A capital market group is section or division within a company structure that is dedicated to the task of assisting clients in securing financial services that aid those clients in increasing their financial wealth. Typically, this will mean evaluating the current situation of the client, discussing goals and getting an idea of what types of services would be beneficial at the present time. The scope of services provided will vary from one capital market group to the next, but most will include ways to invest in a number of opportunities as well as provide practical assistance with basic financial management.
It is not unusual for a capital market group to focus attention on specific types of customers. The group may concentrate on providing services to other corporations, often with a focus on providing strategies aimed at raising capital for expansion projects or even the launch of a new subsidiary. The task could take on the form of helping the client craft a bond issue to offer for sale, setting up a line of credit, or even rearranging current assets to better advantage, allowing the business to utilize some of its own resources for the expansion. Companies may also work with this type of group as a means of arranging the sale of assets such as real estate or structuring a new stock offering, with the goal of using the generated revenue for investment in other opportunities.
The focus of a capital market group may be on individual investors. Here, the range of services may include assistance in setting up a budget, obtaining mortgages for primary or investment properties, and helping the client in selecting assets for inclusion in an investment portfolio. The group may aid in identifying a number of different types of investments as a means of helping the client generate income from dividends as well as interest payments, using an eclectic combination of stocks, bonds, real estate and a number of other holdings to achieve the desired goal.
In any form, the purpose of the capital market group is to aid customers in raising capital or generating wealth as a means of achieving specific goals. Depending on the unique situation of each client, the process may require a short period of consultation following by a process of implementing a few ideas. At other times, the group may provide ongoing support to clients as they develop new goals and seek assistance in determining how to fund those efforts to best advantage.