A beauty academy, also known as a cosmetology school, is a vocational school where students learn a variety of skills associated with the beauty industry. Before a prospective student chooses a beauty academy, it's important that he or she verifies that the school is accredited by a national accrediting organization. The National Accrediting Commission for Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) and the Council for Occupational Education (COE) are two organizations that accredit cosmetology schools. Attending a beauty academy approved by one of these agencies ensures students that they will receive a quality education as a cosmetologist.
Once a student chooses a cosmetology school, training begins in several areas. For example, students can learn to style hair, provide manicure and pedicures, offer makeup services, and perform facial treatments on clients. Students at a cosmetology academy who wish to learn to style hair will receive training in applying relaxers and permanents to clients' hair.
Students will also learn the proper way to provide haircuts and hair coloring. Many of the tasks related to hair styling involving dealing with chemicals that can damage the clients' hair if not used properly. For this reason, beauty academy students must receive thorough instruction on how to provide these complex services in a safe, effective manner.
Nail salons hire cosmetology school graduates to groom the nails of clients. Graduates of a beauty academy who are licensed nail technicians shape the nails of their clients using a variety of nail tools. The nails are polished and painted as well. Some clients prefer to wear artificial nails, so nail techs must be skilled at applying false nail tips in addition to caring for a client's natural nails.
If a student attends a beauty academy, he or she may also learn how to apply makeup to clients' faces. The student often learns how to choose foundation for a client, matching the makeup to the client's complexion. Other beauty products such as eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, and mascara are all used on clients in order to provide them with a polished, finished look. The cosmetologist will often provide clients with makeup advice so they can replicate the results at home.
Facial treatments are other services provided by a cosmetologist who has graduated from an accredited beauty academy. By using creams, oils, and other special skin products, a cosmetologist helps to keep a client's skin smooth and healthy. Whether applying a facial mask or slathering the skin with the latest skin rejuvenator, the cosmetologist uses the skills learned at a beauty academy to improve the appearance of the client's skin.