The cervical mucus in early pregnancy may look similar to what is secreted just before ovulation. It is typically white, creamy, and odorless, and it is often present in large amounts. In fact, pregnant women can expect their cervical mucus levels to rise gradually during the first trimester, resulting in a constant feeling of wetness in their underwear throughout the pregnancy. Of course, this symptom is not usually present until after a test has already detected the pregnancy, so women are not advised to look for increased cervical mucus as a sign. Instead, they may see a bit of pink or brown blood very early in the pregnancy, which will eventually be replaced by white cervical mucus, starting at about six weeks along.
Early pregnancy cervical mucus is typically called leukorrhea, and it is considered quite normal. In fact, most women get it before they are ever pregnant, but it is in small amounts so that it is not always noticeable. It is usually comprised of cells from the vaginal walls, cervical secretions, and bacteria, all of which are present in most women on a constant basis. This type of cervical mucus tends to increase due to the sudden rise of blood flow to the vagina, as well as a higher amount of estrogen. Additionally, early pregnancy causes the production of a protective wall of mucus, called the mucus plug, and bits of this may be discharged from the vagina as the pregnancy continues.
In most cases, the normal cervical mucus in early pregnancy has no odor, and comes with no vaginal irritation. Women who notice a fishy or otherwise foul smell may in fact have an infection, and should contact their doctor. If the white mucus does not smell, but is accompanied by vaginal itching and irritation, it may signal a yeast infection instead. In fact, pregnancy often results in increased yeast infections due to sudden changes in the vaginal area, but a doctor should usually be consulted since untreated infections may be harmful for both mother and baby.
White, odorless cervical mucus in early pregnancy should not typically show up until about six weeks along, by which point most women already know they are pregnant. Women who are trying to become pregnant should keep an eye out for light pink or brown spotting around the time their period is due, as this may be a sign of implantation. Most pregnancy tests are accurate within days of the spotting, so women who notice unusual light bleeding in place of a period are advised to take a test.