At an immigration center, people considering foreign travel or foreign work can find information on obtaining a visa or a green card, or they may speak with an immigration consultant about specific issues pertaining to immigration law. Often, such services are offered at a reduced rate and, in some instances, free immigration help is also made available. An immigration center also provides information and guidance to individuals who wish to eventually become a citizen of a foreign country.
For some, the process of obtaining a work or travel visa can be a bit complicated. An immigration center, however, is staffed with professionals familiar with the process and who are willing to offer immigration assistance. As there are several different options, an immigration office can further help people decide which type of visa is appropriate and actually assist in filling out the forms to acquire one, if necessary.
An immigration center can also help immigrants living in a foreign country continue to do so legally. By providing immigration information in a visitor’s native language, immigrants often feel comfortable reaching out to an immigration office for help with informing governments about address changes, changes in marital status and other issues that may have a legal impact on their visit. As needed, an immigration center also provides resources to immigrants who may be in need of help interpreting new laws that may affect their immigration status.
In addition to what happens at a physical immigration office, most immigration center websites also offer online assistance. For instance, individuals applying for a passport for self or for a child may find that applications and instructions are available at a center’s website, along with visa forms, if necessary. Depending upon personal circumstances, an office visit may still be required, but many have found that being able to download and complete forms before a visit helps to create a more streamlined process.
At times, a foreign traveler may have need of legal services beyond basic immigration matters while visiting or temporarily living in a foreign country. Such matters may include, but are not limited to, becoming injured at work, fighting a child custody battle or being accused of a crime. An immigration center may be able to help provide information for these matters. If an immigration consultant determines that a specialized attorney’s help is needed, an immigration center may also be able to provide attorney referrals, as well as referrals for other supportive services.