Domperidone dosage is affected by the condition the drug is being used to treat, the severity of the condition being treated, and the patient’s response to the drug. If a patient is taking the drug for nausea and vomiting, the recommended dosage is 20 milligrams (mg) administered three to four times per day. For other conditions, such as gastrointestinal motility disorders, the recommended domperidone dosage is between 10 and 20 mg, three to four times per day. The dosage is expressed as a range to account for potential differences in dosage resulting from either the patient’s response to the treatment or the severity of the condition being treated.
Patient’s responses to drug treatments can vary, meaning that even for the same condition two different patients could require two different dosages. The recommended domperidone dosage for gastrointestinal motility disorders can range from 30 mg to 80 mg per day depending on how well the patient responds to the drug. Domperidone can be administered in three or four doses per day, and each dosage can be between 10 and 20 mg. Changes to dosage based on the patient’s response should only be decided by a doctor.
The recommended domperidone dosage can alter based on the severity of the condition it is being used to treat. This adjustment in dosage is still limited by the ranges suggested for the treatment of the specific condition. Patients with severe gastrointestinal motility disorders may not respond sufficiently to three 10 mg doses per day. Other patients, with a more minor form of the condition, may respond well to this dosage.
Each different condition requires a different domperidone dosage to be treated efficiently. For example, a patient taking the drug for nausea or vomiting requires 20 mg doses three to four times per day. This can result in more than twice the dosage per day that a patient taking the drug for gastrointestinal motility disorders would require. Generally, the treatment of nausea and vomiting with a domperidone dosage is only when it is related to other medications.
Many possible side effects are possible in patients taking domperidone. The most common side effects include headache, dry mouth, and irritability. Patients should only discuss these side effects with a doctor if they are particularly severe or persistent. Other, rarer side effects include chest pain, irregular heartbeat, and discharge from the nipples. Rare side effects should always be discussed with a doctor.