A sufficient promethazine dose describes an amount and frequency of this drug appropriate to each specific situation. Just as medical situations may vary, so do promethazine doses. Each specific medical situation can drive different sufficient doses. Additionally, factors such as patient size, diet, and medical history can also affect drug use.
Promethazine is a common antihistamine used frequently in the treatment of elevated physiological states. A sufficient promethazine dose can do a number of things, including depress or sedate a person. For this reason, it is commonly used as a preoperative measure to control consciousness prior to invasive or complex surgeries.
The size of a person can dramatically affect the appropriate dose. This is generally why there are child and adult doses for most over-the-counter and prescription medications. The larger a person is, the more tissue that exists. More tissue means more absorption, and this decreases the amount of medication available for targeted areas.
In addition to mass, there are other bodily characteristics that can contribute to a disparity of prescribed medication amounts. One such example is tolerance. Tolerance is built up when a body reacts to frequently experiencing a particular substance. This decreased sensitivity can cause a greater need for higher drug concentrations. A person who has taken a high promethazine dose in the past will likely need more of this medication than an individual new to this drug.
Other medications that someone may be on can also change the proper promethazine dose. The way in which medications interact can sometimes cause an increased effect or have the opposite action, making other medications irrelevant. Alcohol, for example, can decrease vitamin absorption and increase the negative effects of other medications.
There are certain dietary aspects as well that can cause changes in promethazine dose. Food sometimes can decrease effectiveness, so frequent eaters may be prescribed more frequent or higher-concentrated doses, while those who don't like food may require less-concentrated versions.
Due to the range of effects possible with any medical treatment, anyone prescribing a medication should be very qualified to do so. Additionally, anyone seeking a treatment that may require the prescription should probably see multiple providers before deciding on a treatment. Gathering different opinions can help reinforce a questionable prescription or offer options. Following these guidelines and trusting in the opinion of highly trained professionals can help ensure the best possible treatment of any health ailment.