Celecoxib is a medication used to relieve pain, and it is part of a group of drugs known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). As with many painkillers, the type of medical condition being treated with celecoxib can determine the dosage used. There are a number of other factors that can influence celecoxib dose, including the age and weight of the patient as well as the presence of liver, or hepatic, impairment, and certain hepatic enzyme levels.
Adults taking this drug for general pain relief usually start out with a celecoxib dose of 400 milligrams (mg) the first day they take the medication, with another 200 mg dose the same day if the individual needs it. Afterward, dosing consists of two 200 mg doses each day. The same dosing schedule is used for adult women taking this compound for dysmenorrhea, or pain related to menstruation.
When taken to relieve the pain related to osteoarthritis, the celecoxib dose used is usually somewhat lower. The typical dosing schedule for this form of arthritis consists of either 100 mg taken two times daily, or 200 mg taken one time a day. Adults with rheumatoid arthritis, however, usually take in the range of 100 mg to 200 mg one or two times a day, as needed.
Other adult medical conditions utilize celecoxib dose schedules different from those already mentioned. For familial adenomatous polyposis, a painful intestinal condition, two 400 mg doses are taken each day with food. Anklyosing spondylitis, a disease involving the fusion of joints, may use a dose of a dose of 100 mg twice a day or 200 mg once a day is used. This dose may be increased to 400 mg a day if the lower dose proves insufficient.
Children with rheumatoid arthritis usually take a celecoxib dose of 50 mg a day, two times a day if they are between 22 pounds (lb) and 55 lb, or between 10 kilograms (kg) and 25 kg. For children weighing above 55 lb, or 25 kg, 100 mg is taken two times a day. In the event of hepatic impairment, dosages are usually reduced by half.
Some people have low levels of hepatic enzymes that process celecoxib and other drugs. These individuals usually will start out at the lower range of dosage ranges. The lower dosage is recommended because these individuals may break down these drugs more slowly, meaning that the medications stay active in the body for longer periods of time.