Android® programming is the software development language that is used by the Android® smart phone. This language is similar to the Java® development language that is widely used for Internet web development. An Android programmer makes special automation programs for smart phones. These typically include games, music, and video management programs.
An Android® programmer develops software for the Android® phone based on functional requirements of users. Today there are many groups that are soliciting smart phone software ideas from the general public on the Internet. These groups are turning these ideas into actual products that consumers can buy for there smart phones.
The Android® programmer uses a special software development kit (SDK) specifically designed for the Android® operating system. This SDK can be added to an integrated development environment (IDE) for easier integration into a standard developer platform. The Android® SDK uses the Java® SE components, which are freely available on the Internet.
Smart phone video games have become popular over the last few years. These games require a basic understanding of game development fundamentals. An Android® programmer can write special games designed to work with the Android® SDK. One of the most critical things to learn is the application fundamentals for the Android® architecture. There are plenty of free tutorials available that explain these fundamentals on the Internet.
An Android® programmer must understand programming in an objected-oriented language. This is because the Andorid® SDK is based on Java®, which is object oriented in design. This language is based on logical modular components that are integrated with standard communication techniques. Becoming an Android® programmer requires a basic understanding of object oriented concepts and design, which is considered an intermediate-level developer skill.
Internet job boards reveal that Android® programmers are hot commodities. These developers are in high demand because the language is new and the supply of developers is low. Any good programmer can learn the SDK in a few months. He can then start building commercial products for the Android® phones.
The Android® programming language is an open-source development environment. This is a freely available development platform, which makes it easier for new programmers to learn. Many modern applications are built using open-source programs because it is easier to obtain qualified resources. Learning this new environment does not require any financial investment, which is better for the development community as a whole.