A wind technician has a large number of duties to carry out. It depends on the exact job position that a wind technician holds as to what his or her exact job duties are. In order to become this type of technician, a person usually obtains in-depth environmental, electrical, and mechanical knowledge through a one- to two-year vocational schooling program. This knowledge helps a wind technician to perform his or her work duties, which generally range from installing and troubleshooting wind mills and wind towers. Most wind technicians spend their time performing regular maintenance on wind mills, monitoring wind mill processes, and communicating with other professionals.
As wind technicians perform regular maintenance routines on wind mills, many times, they have to replace components. A routine maintenance procedure usually includes performing fluid checks, bolt torquing, and more. Wind technicians must have in-depth mechanical and electrical knowledge, as this helps them to identify faulty circuits while performing maintenance routines. Some wind mills and towers are more high tech than others, so it depends on what type is being worked on as to how long it takes a wind technician to perform maintenance duties.
Along with performing regular maintenance, a wind technician also monitors wind mill processes, which generally involves testing the electrical wiring. Monitoring the processes of wind mills enables a wind technician to perform process assessments, which show any problems that it may be having. Wind technicians also monitor a wind mill’s environmental surroundings, as this helps to effectively analyze, identify, and correct any problems a wind mill might have. Most times, when problems do exist, they are electrical, requiring the technician to replace electronic components.
It is very important that a wind mill technician spend an adequate amount of time receiving effective safety training. When maintenance and monitoring processes are completed, the technician usually has to climb the wind mills and maintain or repair electronic equipment. Safety training is also pertinent because many wind technicians spend a large amount of time repairing wind mill blades that are made of fiberglass.
A wind technician must have good communication skills, as he or she communicates often with supervisors and subordinates. Any data that the technician collects through analyses must be recorded and shared with supervisors. Many times, the data is also shared with engineers who are conducting wind mill tests. Since data is usually collected on a daily basis, most wind technicians spend a significant amount of time sharing the collected information either in person, over the phone, or via email.