Generally, a webmistress does the same kind of work that a webmaster does, given that the word “webmistress” is usually just a word used to describe a female webmaster. Like male webmasters, female webmasters are responsible for creating and maintaining one website or multiple websites. Some webmasters focus solely on designing and creating their websites. Others focus on maintaining the entire package, which may or may not include designing and developing the websites, too. Skills and skill levels vary among female webmasters and may indicate the person’s professional interest or current training level.
Before understanding the role of a webmistress, it’s important to understand that the word usually is synonymous with the word “webmaster.” In other words, it’s not necessary to think of a male when the word “webmaster” is used. Female webmasters are often referred to as webmasters, too, just like female actors are often referred to as actors and not actresses.
The exact job duty requirements depend on the position for which the webmistress has been hired. For example, if a company needs someone to design and build its website, the company might advertise for a web architect or web developer. After she designs and develops the website, the webmistress might teach another of the company’s full-time employees the basics of maintaining the website. Afterward, she may or may not stay on with the company herself on a freelance or contract basis. This is in order to handle major website problems or necessary complicated upgrades.
On the other hand, if a company wants someone to maintain every aspect of its website, it might seek a website administrator. This person may or may not be the website’s original builder. Generally, this position requires the webmaster to manage every feature of the website. Such roles might include making sure the website looks correct after each new web browser upgrade, conducting necessary upgrades involving third-party website features, and responding to any website problems visitors report. The company might hire the webmistress on a full-time staff basis. If not, she might opt to provide the same kinds of services to other clients, too.
Similar to other professionals, a webmistress might have skills and skill levels that vary from fellow female webmasters. She might also specialize in certain kinds of code or website features with which other webmistresses aren’t familiar. A webmistress can increase her employment opportunities with each new web design, development, and maintenance skill she learns.