With traditional, offline marketing techniques giving way to online marketing techniques, many businesses choose to employ a social media coordinator. These individuals must be Internet savvy and understand how to implement social media as a legitimate marketing tool. In turn, there are five essential job duties that a person in this position is responsible for. These include setting up accounts on social media websites, updating those accounts, monitoring comments, interacting with the community on each website and keeping track of statistics.
Before any other duties can be completed, it's necessary for a social media coordinator to first set up accounts on certain social media websites. This may include social networking sites, forums and social bookmarking sites. In addition, some individuals might also set up a blog or create podcasts for the business. The basic aim is to connect with as many people as possible and get the maximum amount of exposure.
Once the initial accounts have been set up, the real work begins. A social media coordinator spends the majority of his time updating each account in an attempt to attract and retain visitors. As a result, he will be responsible for continually posting business news and keeping the public aware of things like events or special offers. This means that the individual will need to have solid writing abilities, including excellent spelling and grammar skills.
In addition to creating content for a blog and other websites, the coordinator will also need to monitor comments. This mainly includes deleting spam and making sure that comments are positive and void of profanity. Doing so establishes credibility for the business and prevents spammers from saturating websites with annoying ads.
Another important aspect of the job is consistently interacting with the community on each website. It really doesn't do a business any good to go through all the trouble of setting up websites and social media profiles if it doesn't engage its audience. Consequently, a social media coordinator is required to respond to user comments and start online discussions. In most cases, this interaction helps attract more users and new customers. Capitalizing on popular social media often helps a business grow its reputation.
Additionally, a social media coordinator will also need to keep track of website statistics. For example, he might use an analytics program to determine how much traffic each website or profile receives and where the traffic is coming from. He will then use this information in order to optimize future online marketing techniques.