A large part of making a business successful involves effective and efficient performance in all areas. The role of a performance improvement manager is to implement changes within a business to ensure the best results possible. These individuals are experts at optimizing company performance and getting the most productivity out of workers. Some common job duties of a performance improvement manager include observing company input, measuring company output, developing an improvement plan, executing the improvement plan and monitoring results.
Observing company input is usually the first duty of a performance improvement manager. For example, he may look into how many hours the employees of a manufacturing plant work in a typical month. He might investigate the total costs involved to create the company's products as well. Knowing this information is necessary for determining which areas are functioning efficiently and which ones need improvement.
Measuring company output is an equally important part of the job. The end goal of a performance improvement manager is to set up a company so that the minimal amount of input results in the maximum amount of output. In the case of a manufacturing plant, he might measure output by analyzing something such as sales numbers.
Once he has a clear understanding of a company's input and output, a performance improvement manager will develop an improvement plan. For example, he may devise a training program that teaches employees how to produce more products in less time. Before his improvement plan begins, a performance improvement manager will typically go over his ideas with department heads to discuss details. After all the kinks have been worked out and everyone is on the same page, the next phase of the process can begin.
Executing the improvement plan is the next step and perhaps the most important part of a performance improvement manager's job. In the case of an employee training program, he might develop course materials and find a suitable instructor for the program. Hey may also work on organizing the various departments of a manufacturing plant to minimize clutter. To be effective, he must also be aware of budget limits and not exceed them.
An additional aspect of this position involves monitoring results. This is often accomplished by looking at sales numbers after the implementation of an improvement plan, and comparing them with previous numbers. If significant improvement has been obtained, the job of a performance improvement manager is complete. Otherwise, he may need to try further techniques for improving company output.